200 Hr. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Practitioner Certificate Program, June 2014

ONACS/ SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Integrative Healing Arts Program

ONACS/ SCNM: Thai Yoga Center Integrative Healing Arts Program "Momentum happens when we apply tools overtime. It begins with small changes and with momentum you will begin to notice things. You begin to understand there is more to life than what you formerly understood or have been led to believe." from "Angels Speak" by Dr. Anthony B. James


Chirothesia and Indgenous Traditional Hrealing Therapies:

Ayurveda, Thai Yoga, Native American and Natural Medicine Oklevueha Native American Church, SomaVeda College of Natural Medicine and The Thai Yoga Center hosted the 200 Hour SomaVeda® Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy and Thai Yoga Practitioner Program, June 2014. "CTP1". This SomaVeda Integrated Traditional Therapies® Seminary for Basic Ministerial Practitioners was staffed by SomaVeda® Certified Teachers (Khruu) and ONACS Ordained Ministers: Julie James ND(T), Arianna Coe BA, CATP, CTT (ONAC Humiovi), Daniel Kram CATP, CTT and Aachan, Master Teacher / ONACS Medicine Elder Dr. Anthony B. James.


Oklevueha Native American Church of SomaVeda® (ONACS) Mission Statement:

We believe in the rights of Mother Earth. ONACS was established to provide our community with service, education, spiritual fellowship and healing. To protect the practice of Mother Earth based Native American Spiritual Traditions, Ceremony, Sacred Practices, Indigenous and Natural Medicine ways. As a United Nations Recognized “Indigenous Peoples Organization” (UN DESA, NGO Branch) we recognize the value and right to practice all indigenous and traditional healing arts as a human right and expression of our religious, cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices.


ONACS is a Florida State incorporated Not-for-profit, 501(c)3 compliant Church and Authorized Independent Branch of the Oklevueha Native American Church, Utah.


For further Information on our programs visit us at:

1) ThaiYogaCenter.Com

2) SomaVeda.Org

3) www.SomaVeda.Com

4) And our SCNM Book Store BeardedMedia.Com


5) To find a SomaVeda® Thai Yoga near you visit our Thai Yoga and Natural MedicinePractitioner Directory!


6) To learn more about the 200 Hour SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy Practitioner Certificate Course, Click Here!


Join us on Facebook at Learn Thai Yoga

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Anthony James